Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
(According to EN 45014)
This Declaration of Conformity has been generated electronically and is legally binding without signature
T he follo wing declaration is issued und er the sole responsib ility of the m anufacturer:
M an ufacturer:
Valco M elton
A d ivision of V alco
C incinnati, Incorporated
411 C ircle F ree wa y D rive
C incinnati, O H 45246
Au tho rized R epresentativ es in
Eu rop e:
Valco C incinnati, Ltd.
U nit 7-8
H orton w ood 32
T elford T F1 7YN
Eng land
M elton S.L.U .
P o l. In d u strial
A g u stin os
ca lle G , n . 3 4
3 1 1 6 0 O rco ye n
N a va rra , S p a in
de cla res tha t the pro du ct:
Pro du ct N am e:
M C P -6 C ontrol U nit
com p lies w ith the fo llow in g C ou ncil D ire ctives:
Safety of M ach in ery:
Lo w V oltage Eq uipm en t:
EM C :
R edu ctio n of H azardo us Su bstance s
(R oH S )
an d co nform s to the follo w in g sta nda rds :
EN 60 204-1:2006
EN 13 849-1
R isk:
IS O 12 100:2010
EM C E m ission s:
EN 61 000-6-4:2007
EN 61 000-4-2
EM C Im m un ity:
EN 61 000-6-2:2005
EN 61 000-4-3
EN 61 000-4-4
EN 61 000-4-5
EN 61 000-4-6
EN 61 000-4-8
EN 61 000-4-11
Place and D ate:
C incinnati, O hio U S A
C E M ark first fixed 2006
Sign ature:
C incinnati, O H U S A
D avid H . S w edes,
Vice P resident of
Eng ineerin g & M a nufacturing