Valco Cincinnati, Inc.
Section 5 - Operation
MC090 - MCP-6 Control Unit
Scanner Lockout
Scanner Lockout
Scanner Lockout
Scanner Lockout
Scanner Lockout
Scanner Lockout - Enter a product length to act as a scanner lockout when
holes, writing, or other items produce a false trigger by the scanner.
Batch Counter
Batch Counter--On/Off
Batch Counter--On/Off
Batch Counter--On/Off
Batch Counter--On/Off
Batch Counter--On/Off- Turn the batch counter on and off with the “switch”
using the Plus/Minus Buttons.
Batch Counter--Skip
Batch Counter--Skip
Batch Counter--Skip
Batch Counter--Skip
Batch Counter--Skip - The total number of products for which the pattern will
be skipped (no adhesive will be applied).
Batch Counter--Glue
Batch Counter--Glue
Batch Counter--Glue
Batch Counter--Glue
Batch Counter--Glue - The total number of products the adhesive pattern will
be applied to, one after the other without skipping any products.
Batch Counter must be enabled under the Setup Menu (see Section 4 -
(All Applications)
(Applications include
Packaging, Timer, and
Others, plus Core Winding
when not in Continuous
gluing mode.)