To set a zoom preset:
1. Set up the shot.
2. Optional: Adjust the color settings as needed.
3. Note which presets have not been defined.
4. In the Presets area, select Store.
5. Select the preset number that you want to store.
6. Optional: Check the "Store with current color settings" box. This is super-helpful if you adjusted the
color settings in step 2.
To rename a zoom preset:
Right-click the preset and enter a name in the dialog box that opens.
Clearing a Zoom Preset
Storing a zoom preset automatically overwrites any information previously associated with that preset. To
clear a preset without storing new information, select Reset in the Presets area. Then select the preset to
be cleared, and select Reset in the Reset Presets dialog box.
Integrator's Complete Guide to the DocCAM 20 HDBT Ceiling-Mounted Document Camera