Message Styles Tab
The Message Styles window is used to create a single style that can be applied to a crawl
message to set the Text Style, crawl speed and backgrounds with a single selection. The left
pane include the functions to Add a New Message Style, Delete Selected Message Style and
reorder the Message Styles list. This pane also displays a list of the message styles currently
available in the CrawlMaster library. Each entry includes an ID number, the assigned Name
and Description columns. The ID column contains the ID number and Token <name> that
were automatically assigned to the font style when it was added. The ID number is used in the
Separator and Background drop down lists located in the Crawl Channels General window.
The Token <name> can be inserted at the beginning of any Promo or Manual message to
change the Message style from the current Crawl Channel style. Only the message with the
token will be affected. All other crawl messages will use the assigned Message style. The
Description column includes a thumbnail of the font.
When a new Message Style is added to the list it will use currently highlighted font from the
Text Styles tab. If the Message style has been customized (using the right hand pane) the
Description field may also display speed value and thumbnail of the background graphic.