News Data Feeder
The News Data Feeder application allows text files to be imported and then sent to either
a field in LogoMaster or as part of a crawl from CrawlMaster. The “Client Address” is the IP
address of the machine receiving the data from News Data Feeder (the setting “localhost”
can be used when running both News Data Feeder and LogoMaster/CrawlMaster on the
same machine). Below the Client Address is the port the data is to be sent over (this would
correspond to the port number that either a Field or Crawl is listening on for data). The
“Send Interval” is the amount of time (in milliseconds) between each transmission of data
from News Data Feeder to either LogoMaster or CrawlMaster. The “Auto Connect”
checkbox will cause News Data Feeder, when launched, to automatically connect to the
field/crawl that will be receiving the data. The “Start” and “Stop” buttons can be used to
suspend transmission of data or resume sending and to the right of those buttons there’s a
connection status displaying the state of the connection between News Data Feeder and
the field/crawl it’s talking to. The two check boxes “Use Enter As Separator” and “Use
empty line as separator when import” determines whether headlines in a text file are
separated by pressing enter after each or separated by a blank line.
The main window itself is separated into 2 sections. The top section provides a list of all
headlines to be sent from News Data Feeder to the field/crawl listening to the appropriate
port. The “Import” button allows for the importing of a text file to populate the list while the
“Clear” button will clear out the list of headlines. The “Delete” button allows for individual
lines in the list to be selected and removed.