GS-4000 Setup and Operations
Channel Messages
Double clicking a crawl in the Crawl Channels list will open a editing window for that
channel. Promo and Manual messages can be added, viewed or edited and Incoming
messages from databases or data feeders can be viewed. The window also displays the
Messages being fed to the LogoMaster application as determined by the Scheduler
The left portion of the Channel (Name) window provides tabs to access the 3 message
types. The right portion of the window includes a Schedule tab for viewing the message
Que and an Editor tab for updating Promo and Manual messages.
Promo Tab
This pane allows Promo Messages to be added, edited and prioritized. A Crawl Channel
can have multiple Promo Messages and Promo messages are crawled continuously once
they are scheduled. The Promo message actions can be accessed by clicking on the
Icons at the top of the pane or by right clicking on one of the Text rows.
Add a new Promo message by clicking on the Add New Promo Message icon. Enter the
message in the “Message Text” field. At the top of the window you can name the message
and control the attributes. Click “Enable Schedule” if you want this message to enable and
available for scheduling. Leaving the “Custom Priority” unchecked will give equal time to
all promo messages. If you want this message to be crawled more or less often than other
Promo messages click the check box and assign a % to this message. If you have three
Promo messages and assign a priority of 20% to this message and assign no custom
priority to the second & third Promo messages it will be displayed once for every 2 times
the other Promo messages are displayed.
The message will inherit the Message Style from the Crawl Channels General tab.
Message Style consists of the font attributes, crawl speed and whether there is a graphic
background. Click the “Custom Message Style” to assign a custom Message Style by
selecting its ID number from the drop down list. Click OK to close the New Promo
Message window. This will place the message in the Promo message list.
Manual Messages
Click on the Manual tab. This pane allows Manual messages to be added, edited and
prioritized. A Crawl Channel can have multiple Manual messages. A highlighted message
in the Manual list is crawled a single time with a manual command from the operator. The
Manual message actions can be accessed by clicking on the Icons at the top of the pane
or by right clicking on one of the Text rows.