It is also possible to configure the inputs, except tamper input, in self by-pass mode with the motherboard
jumper JP2.
Closed JP2
Self by-pass enabled
Open JP2
Self by-pass disabled (Factory setting)
: Self by-pass activation is valid for all the inputs; it is not possible to have some inputs
configured for self by-pass and other ones not configured.
With self by-pass enabled, all the inputs that are open during the alarm system activation are automatically
excluded, without generating an alarm signalling. If, after the system has been activated, the open input is
closed, it is again included among inputs controlled by the control panel, and an alarm is generated if it is
opened again.
With self by-pass disabled, any input open when the system is activated generates an alarm.
: Unused inputs must be connected to -RV with a wire, in case of NC lines, or with a 2K7
resistor, in case of balanced lines.
4.2.3 Outputs
Self-powered siren connection
When connecting a self-powered siren, do not exceed max. current values supplied by the control panel.
Figure 24 – Self-powered siren connection diagram