5. Connect the audio line (microphone), if present, to the MIC terminal pin of the PSTN telephone
communicator, respecting polarities. For the audio line, use a twisted pair. Audio line must not exceed
100m. The following diagram shows how to connect the PSTN telephone communicator and the
module for environmental listening/message repeater.
Figure 9 – Connection diagram for environmental listening
GSM module
To add the GSM module, follow the instructions below:
Remove, if necessary, the motherboard.
2. Press the 4 nylon pivot pins in the holes placed in the corners of the GSM module. The support pivot
pins must be placed at the rear of the module (the side without electronic components and antenna
Put the GSM module on the motherboard (see figure 7 to identify the position of the connector).
4. Put the antenna in the two housing slides present on the control panel side (to make the activation
easier, blend lightly the antenna).
Figure 10 – GSM antenna mounting