According to CEI 79.2 standards, the readers must be kept in self-protected housing (housings with anti-
removal and anti-opening tamper). If are used supports and plates of Simon Urmet Nea catalogue, a
protection tamper (1069/416), designed for this purpose, is already available. The different tampers must
be connected in series.
Figure 15 – Tamper for Simon Urmet Nea supports and plates
: In order to connect to the control panel tamper line the tamper that protects the electronic
key reader or the proximity reader, it is necessary to lay a suitable line. So, if readers are installed, it is
suggested to use for the bus a 6-wire cable and use 2 of them for the tamper line.
The management keypad can be placed both in a 3-modules flush mounting box (type 503) and in the
provided wall mounting box. The keypad must be placed indoor, in a zone protected by the alarm system.
The keypad is provided with the following screws:
N° 3
M 3.5 x 22 for wall mounting with screw anchors
N° 2
M 3.5 x 19 for frame fixing on box Mod. 503
N° 2
M 3.5 x 10 for fixing on wall mounting box
Figure 16 – Keypad mounting