Position and use of expansion connectors for optional boards
The expansion connectors available on the rear of the motherboard are the following:
Figure 7 –
Connectors for expansions in motherboard
A -
CON3 connector used for connection of 1061/002 PSTN module
B -
CON2 connector used for connection of 1061/458 GSM module
C -
CON7 connector used for connection of 1061/012 speech synthesis module
PSTN telephone communicator
To add the PSTN telephone communicator, follow the instructions below:
Remove, if necessary, the motherboard.
2. Press the 4 nylon pivot pins in the holes placed in the corners of the PSTN telephone communicator.
Support pivot pins must be placed at the rear of the module (the side without electronic components
and connection terminal pins).
3. Put the PSTN telephone communicator on the motherboard (see figure 7 to identify the connector
Connect the PSTN telephone communicator to the telephone line, according to the following diagram.
Figure 8 –
Connection diagram to the telephone line
For the connection, use a twisted pair; no polarity must be respected.
The PSTN telephone communicator must be the first connected device, in order to seize
the line in case of an alarm.