Urma AG, Switzerland www.urma.ch
page 28 Line deviation
The line deviation parameter gives the maximum permissible deviation of the edge
values from the ideal shape of the line.
The deviation can be varied from 0 µm to 100 µm.
The standard setting (default) is 20 µm. Radius deviation
The radius deviation parameter gives the maximum permissible deviation of the edge
values from the ideal shape of the circle.
The deviation can be varied from 0 µm to 100 µm.
The standard setting (default) is 45 µm.
6.3 Serial interface (counter module)
You access this operating mode using the following menu steps:
Main menu
Sub-menu 1
Here you can configure the counter module’s serial interface for data output.
The serial interface on Digiset 5 is only meant for data transfer be-
tween the TCAM2 and the counter module.
It cannot be configured.