Handset Description
Call diverted externally Indicates that the received call has been diverted exter-
nally. The icon appears in the Call list.
Call diverted internally
Indicates that the received call is diverted to another inter-
nal handset. The icon appears in the Status bar.
Call diverted externally Indicates that the received call is diverted to another ex-
ternal handset. The icon appears in the Status bar.
Secure call
Indicates a secure voice connection. The icon appears in
a call window during the call.
Non-secure call
Indicates a non-secure voice connection. The icon ap-
pears in a call window during the call.
New message (sent by
another handset)
Indicates that a new text message (or messages) has ar-
rived. The icon appears in the Status bar and the Inbox.
NOTE: The icon stays in the Status bar until all new mes-
sages in the Inbox are read.
New message (sent by
the system)
Indicates that a new message has been sent by the sys-
tem. The icon appears in the Status bar and the Inbox.
NOTE: The icon stays in the Status bar until all new mes-
sages in the Inbox are read.
Message with request
for answer
Indicates that you have received a message that requires
the response from you. The icon appears in the Inbox.
Sent message
Indicates that a text message has been sent. The icon ap-
pears in the list of the Sent messages.
Read message
Indicates that a text message has been read. The icon
appears in the Inbox.
Unsent message
Indicates that a message has not been sent. The icon ap-
pears in the list of Unsent messages.
Voicemail message
Indicates that you gave received a new voicemail mes-
sage. The icon appears in the Satus bar.
NOTE: The icon stays in the Status bar until the voicemail
has been listened to.
Microphone off
Indicates that the microphone is silent. The icon appears
in the Header bar.
NOTE: During a PTT call, the microphone is inactive
when the PTT button is released.
Loudspeaker on
Indicates that the loudspeaker is turned on. The icon ap-
pears in the Soft key bar during a call.
Loudspeaker off
Indicates that the loudspeaker is turned off. The icon ap-
pears in the Soft key bar during a call.
A31003-M2000-U109-01-7619, 29/04/2020
OpenScape WLAN Phone WL4, User Manual