Firmware
Upgrade
Using
microSD
Card
1.
Download
“update.zip”
from
supporting
site.
2.
Insert
a
microSD
card
into
a
3.
Copy
“update.zip”
to
the
root
directory
of
the
microSD
card.
4.
Make
sure
the
target
device
is
power
on
with
a
fully
charged
battery.
5.
Insert
the
microSD
card
into
the
card
slot
of
the
target
device.
6.
Tap
to
go
to
Settings
‐
>About
phone
and
tap
System
update.
7.
Choose
the
software
from
the
card
.
8.
Tap
Ok
to
reboot
and
update
9.
During
the
period
of
update,
the
target
device
will
automatically
reboot
for
times.
Please
don’t
operate
the
device
until
the
update
is
completed.