Show
surface
updates
Flash
entire
window
surfaces
when
they
update
Window
animation
scale
You
can
select
the
window
animation
scale
Transition
animation
scale
You
can
select
the
Transition
animation
scale
Animator
duration
scale
You
can
select
the
Animator
duration
scale
Disable
overlays
When
you
on
Hw
overlays
always
use
for
screen
compositing
Force
rendering
When
you
on
,it
will
force
use
of
for
2d
drawing
Strict
mode
enabled
Flash
screen
when
apps
do
long
operations
on
main
thread
Show
usage
When
you
on
,the
screen
overly
showing
current
usage
Profile
rendering
Measure
rending
time
in
adb
shell
dumpsys
gfxinfo
Enable
traces
Select
enabled
traces
Don’t
keep
activities
Destory
every
activity
as
soon
as
the
leaves
it
Background
process
limit
Select
background
process
limit
Show
all
Show
App
Not
Responding
dialog
for
background
apps
About
phone
System
updates
You
can
upgrade
your
system
to
up
‐
to
‐
date
version.
Status
Information
about
your
Phone
number,
signal,
etc.
Legal
information
Legal
information
about
Open
source
licenses
and
legal.
Model
number
Check
the
Model
number.
Android
version
Check
the
android
version
Baseband
version
Check
the
baseband
version.
Kernel
version
Check
the
Kernel
version.
Build
number
The
phone’s
build
number
Hardware
version
You
can
check
hardware
version.