Set-up the HYPROP
42/92 Configuration settings for HYPROP
Those settings which are editable only for
users are marked
with an asterisk
Parameters with related functions are bundled in one folder.
Bus number
bus number of the device
Sub address
sub address of the device
uses two types of address for each device, the bus
address and the sub address. The reason for this is that is there
might be sensors installed at the same spot, but with different
measuring depths (for example multi-level probes). In this case, the
sub address defines the depth starting with 1 for the highest sensor.
Furthermore, the sub address could be used to combine groups of
sensors, for example of one measuring site.
In general the required identification for a device is always the bus
number. If more than 32 devices are connected to the bus the sub
address is counted up. The allowed numbers for the bus address are
1 to 32 and for the sub address 1 to 8.
The default value for both bus and sub address is 0. With more than
one device connected individual addresses have to be declared.
Device Info
Individually editable name of the Tensiometer in ASCII. Maximum
length 12 digits
Measure head net weight
is the net weight of the sensor head incl. Tensiometer shafts and
silicone disc.
* User rights are selected in the bottom status line. Select between „Public“
(limited rights) und „Power“ (extended rights). The software needs to be
restarted when this setting is changed.