Perform a measuring campaign
To determine the starting water content you have the following
1. Automatically (default setting):
this means starting water
content and dry weight are
determined by approximate
calculation so the measurement
is graphically displayed and it's
progression can be viewed.
After the measurement the soil dry weight is determined precisely
and then added. The starting water content is calculated not till the
starting point is scrolled and affixed.
2. Soil dry weight fixed:
The soil's dry weight (dried at 105°C) has
been determined by weighing.
This can only be done after the
measurement. Enter the dry
weight value and press <Return>
to confirm the value.
3. Starting water content fixed:
The starting water content at
saturation is known, the dry
weight is calculated. Enter the
value into the marked filed on the
left and press <Return> to
confirm the value.
Soil type
Select the soil type in the drop down menu
<Soil type> (Standard, sand, loam, silt, clay or
organic soil). This affects the model parameter
of the calculation model.