Get ready to start a measuring campaign
Degas the water
1. Take the reservoir syringe
with the short rubber tube.
Pull up 10 ml of deionised or
distilled water. Take care to
avoid bubbles. Push out all air
from the syringe.
Fig. 13
2. Now plug the end of the tube
with your finger (fig. 14) and
pull up the syringe.
Fig. 14
This creates vacuum inside the
syringe and dissolved gas is
released. Rotate the still
evacuated syringe to collect all
bubbles from the wall of the
3. Hold the syringe upright and
slide in the piston. Unblock the
tube and push out all air.
Repeat this procedure until no
bubbles are produced anymore.
Degas the ceramic tip
Fig. 15
1. Insert the ceramic tip into the
tube as far as possible with the
ceramic pointing down toward
the syringe.
The cup’s tip should be close to
the syringe nozzle.
Pull up the syringe just a little
bit. Hold the syringe downwards
and tap on it to loosen all