The Airburst controller needs a certain (Very short) amount of time to communicate with the slaves.
Therefore the controller needs to have time to upload firing information to the slaves before they can
be fired. The minimum timing set out in the Airburst system is 150 milliseconds.
If SMPTE time code is used as the source and the rate of the SMPTE code is 30 frames per second, one
frame is equal to 33 milliseconds. It will be necessary to upload a cue to the slaves a minimum of 25
frames prior to the Fire command being engaged. Sequential firing can occur with 5 frames between
If SMPTE time code is used as the source and the rate of the SMPTE code is 24 frames per second, one
frame is equal to 41 milliseconds.
It will be necessary to upload a cue to the slaves a minimum of 20 frames prior to the Fire command
being engaged. Sequential firing can occur with 4 frames between events.
The time code set out by a MIDI controller is dependant on the tempo of the music. Since the tempo
can be varied greatly from passage to passage, there is no simple formula to calculate the timing
requirements as with SMPTE.
The Show Control programmer will have to be responsible for ensuring that the minimum real time
required by the Airburst controller between Cue upload and Fire (150 milliseconds) is not compro-