The LCD displays the Cue number called for by the show control on the TOP Line, followed by the
next 3 cues in numerical sequence.
The TOP LINE of the LCD will always be the Cue that will be fired.
MIDI Note On 127 (second Highest) is the Fire Command.
This Fire Command is routed through an external Positive Enable switch.
Should the operator release the positive enable and abort the Fire command, the FIRE button on the
controller will still be live and available for manual fire if desired.
· Example
Live performers have not cleared their marks. The Cue is aborted. (not fired by show control).
The performers are then cleared and the Operator wants to Fire the Cue Manually.
He must do so before a new Cue command (MIDI note on #) is received by the controller.
The Cue on the TOP LINE of the LCD is ALWAYS the Cue that will Fire.
An uploaded Cue (TOP LINE of LCD) is replaced by a new Cue whenever a new MIDI Note On com-
mand is received, regardless of the previous Cue being Fired or not.
For example - The controller receives MIDI note on 2 and uploads Cue # 2.(TOP LINE of
The operator releases the Positive Enable after Cue 2 has been uploaded to the remotes.
When the FIRE command is received (MIDI note on 127) Cue 2 will NOT Fire.
10 seconds later the controller receives MIDI Note On 4.
The controller will replace Cue 2 with Cue 4 (TOP LINE of LCD) and upload Cue 4 data to the
When the Fire command (Note On 127) is received, (positive enable ON), Cue 4 Fires.
MIDI Channel
The Airburst controller can be set to respond to any ONE of the 16 MIDI channels.
Be sure the MIDI channel of the controller matches the MIDI channel sent by the external MIDI show
control device.
If the channels do not match, the Airburst controller will not respond.
Multiple Airburst controllers can be used in the same production by addressing the controllers to dif-
ferent MIDI channels.
ALL other MIDI commands are ignored by the Airburst controller.
SMPTE and MIDI Timing
Many Show Control systems derive their timing from SMPTE time code information. This information
is then translated into MIDI commands. SMPTE time code is divided into Hours-Minutes-Seconds-
The Frame rate is selectable. The two most common frames rates are described below.
Frames is the smallest unit of time in SMPTE code and concerns the Airburst controller communica-
tion timing as follows.