The programmer is now ready to select the delay time which is inserted at ALL ‘+’ symbols
Press the >DELAY< key.
The Delay screen appears for the previous example as:
1 11 150 Number Cue Steps /
2 -end --- End of Show --- Delay msec
The numbers 1 and 2 signify the cue number. 11signifies the number of channels selected and the
delay time defaults to the minimum Delay time of 150 milliseconds.
The > key will increase the Delay time in 10 millisecond steps.
The < key will decease the Delay time by 10 millisecond steps.
For a real time display of the current chase speed, press the >VIEW< key.
Character blocks flash along the bottom line of the LCD at the current chase speed.
To return to the Cue program screen press >VIEW< again.
To accept the displayed Delay time press >DELAYMS< key.
The Delay time is now inserted at ALL ‘+’ symbol locations.
The above cue will fire as follows:
108 and 109 will fire, delay, 114 and 316 and 109 will fire, delay, 101 will fire, delay, 102 will fire, delay,
501and 116 and 403 will fire, delay, 911 will fire end cue.
Storing Shows and Editing
A completed show must be stored in memory to be recalled in RUN mode to be fired.
To store an operator show, press the >HOME< key, then the Program Exit Menu appears.
Program Exit Menu:
Halting Edit of Show: OP_1
Enter - Save and Exit
Delete - Exit without saving
Home - Continue Edit
Press >ENTER< key to Save and Exit. (Bring up the Program Operator Show Menu)
Press >DELETE< key to Exit without saving. (Bring up the Program Operator Show Menu)
Press >HOME< Continue edit. (Returns to the show memory location being programmed)