static routing
static routing: A routing system in
which routes are set manually.
subnet mask: Determine what subnet
an IP address belongs to.
switching hub: A multiport bridge that
receives data packets compares the
address to an address table and relays
the data to the proper port.
TCP/IP: Transmission Control Proto-
col/Internet Protocol are protocols data
transmission over the Internet.
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol is
a protocol to establish a connection
between two computers. It the includes
error correction for packet transmission.
Compare UDP.
UDP: User Datagram Protocol is part of
the TCP/IP suite of protocols. UDP is a
connectionless protocol for data trans-
mission that does not acknowledge
whether packets are received or not. It
enables faster performance but, there is
no assurance of an accurate transmis-
UPnP: Universal Plug and Play is de-
signed to support zero-configuration. It
allows Windows XP to automatically
configure the Router for various Inter-
net applications, such as Windows
WAN: Wide Area Network covers a
larger area than a LAN. See also LAN.
WEP key: See encryption.
wireless LAN access point: A terminal
on a wireless LAN or an interface be-
tween a wireless LAN and a wired LAN.
wireless LAN PC: A personal comput-
er connected to a LAN through radio
wired LAN PC: A personal connected
to an Ethernet LAN by cable.