and Operation
Set up
Subnet mask ........................................ 65
IP address is composed of network
ID and host ID. It plays a role to judge
t h e l e n g t h o f n e t w o r k I D t o
distinguish network ID and host ID.
By using this system, it estimates
whether IP address of the addressed
host is in local network or remote
Sun visor ................................................... 4
Switching views .......................... 15, 19
TCP/IP ................................................. 139
(Transmission Control Protocol/
Internet Protocol)
Network protocol invented by a
network project with the financial
support from the Pentagon. This is
the standard protocol of the Internet
and at the same time, it is the most
popularized protocol. Network layer
protocol is IP, and transport layer
protocols are TCP(Transmission
Control Protocol)and UDP(User
Datagram Protocol). FTP, SMTP and
other applications use TCP/IP.
Timer recording ................................... 95
Updating firmware ........................... 112
URL .......................................................... 13
(Uniform Resource Locator)
Method for assigning the Internet
resource. "http://www.toshiba. com/"
is the example of when accessing a
website on the Internet.
Video output ............................... BUG15
Wall bracket ............................................. 4
WEP ......................................................... 68
(Wired Equivalent Privacy)
Encryption. Standard encryption
method in IEEE802.11b.Even if
someone intruded to your computer
and try to read the data, it makes
difficult to decode the data if you
perform the encryption.
Wire clamp ................................... BUG22
Wired LAN .................................... BUG24
Wireless LAN .............................. BUG25
LAN(Local Area Network)which does
not need wiring. It constructs a
network by using infrared or laser in
small areas.
Wireless router ................... BUG25, 26
Device which relays data on a
network to other network is called
router. It decides by itself to which
route to choose to forward the data
by looking at IP address of network
device. Wireless router has wireless
LAN communication function in
addition to these features.
xDSL ............................................... BUG26
ADSL technique has been invented
to have high-speed data
communication by using a pair of
copper wire in the analogue
telephone line. Related techniques
derived from ADSL are called xDSL.
This is a device to connect these
to the Internet.
Zoom in/Zoom out ............................. 23
Glossary (Index)(Cont.)