Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Station Names and Status
Each line in this list displays the name of the Station (if assigned) and the current status of the
Station. Clicking on a name will select the Station, changing the background of the selected Station
to light blue. Selecting a Station and then clicking Edit will display the Station Edit screen.
Station Status Icons
The status of each Station is shown graphically using different icons.
Indicates a Station is empty or is disabled. An empty Station displays "** Empty
**", a disabled Station displays the name of the Station.
Indicates a Station is idle. A Station is idle when the input conditions have not
been met.
Indicates a Station is triggered. A Station is triggered when the Station conditions
have been met.
Station Start
Pressing this icon in the action area will start the selected station.
Station Stop
Pressing this icon in the action area will stop the selected station.
Station Hold
Pressing this icon in the action area will hold the selected station if it is running. If the station is
currently held, pressing this icon will resume station operation.