Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Figure 86 - Manual Operation Screen, Walkthrough
In the example screens shown above, a spot water (Figure 85) of the first 4 stations on the Master
Unit and Remote Unit 1 will run for 3 hours, using Pump as the pump set. The second screen (Figure
86) shows a walk through of all stations between A1 (Master Unit, station 1) and C20 (Remote Unit 2,
station 20) running 1 minute for each station. A walk through can be used to test each valve in turn
for maintenance purposes.
Spot Water / Walk Through
Manual Operation can operate in spot watering or walk through mode. Selecting either button will
switch operation to that mode.
Manual Runtime and Units
The Manual Operation runtime can be set to hours:minutes or minutes:seconds. Selecting the
runtime button and clicking Edit will display the Number Edit screen. Selecting the Units button and
clicking edit will cycle through the available irrigation units.
The stations required for spot watering can be entered in this item. Selecting the Stations button and
clicking Edit will display the Group Edit screen.
Start and Stop Stations
Clicking on Start or Stop Station will select the station, changing the background of the selected item
to light blue. Selecting a station and then clicking Edit will display the Allocated Station Selection
Pump Set
If required, a Pump Set can be assigned for the Spot Watering operation. Selecting the Pump Set
button and clicking Edit will display the Control Selection screen.