Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Units through the options hours:minutes, minutes:seconds and volumetric. If volumetric is selected
the units shown are the units of the allocated flow meter. If no flow meter is allocated the units are
Next Program
This parameter selects the program to run at the completion of this program. Selecting the button
and clicking Edit will display the Program List screen.
Program Delays
The Program Delays screen is the second page of Advanced Program Parameters and is displayed
by pressing the
icon on the Program Edit - Sequential or Program Edit - Grouping screen and
selecting the next page by pressing the
Figure 30 - Program Advanced Parameters Edit - Page 2
In the example screen shown in Figure 30, no delays have been entered.
Program Delays
Clicking on a delay will select the item, changing the background of the item to light blue. Selecting
the button and then clicking Edit will display the Number Edit screen.