Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Pump Set Edit
The Pump Set Edit screen is displayed by pressing the
icon on the Pump Set List screen.
Figure 44 - Pump Set Edit
In the example screen shown in Figure 44, four pumps have been allocated to this pump set. Each
pump has 1000lpm capacity and have been assigned different priorities, and all pumps are enabled.
By changing the pump priority and advanced parameters, the running order of the pumps can be
varied according to desired operating scenarios.
Pump Set Name
Each Filter can be assigned a name. Names are limited to 20 characters. Selecting the name button
and clicking Edit will display the Text Edit screen.
Pump Station Output
Clicking on a pump station will select the station, changing the background of the selected item to
light blue. Selecting a station and then clicking Edit will display the Allocated Station Selection
Pump Station Priority
Clicking on a pump station priority will select the priority, changing the background of the selected
item to light blue. Selecting a priority and then clicking Edit will display the Number Edit screen.
Pump Station Capacity
Clicking on a pump station capacity will select the capacity, changing the background of the selected
item to light blue. Selecting a capacity and then clicking Edit will display the Number Edit screen.