Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Life Support
Life Support provides the ability to initiate a preset irrigation program in the event of a failure in the
logic processor.
Life Support is local to each unit and expansion module, and is initiated by pressing a pushbutton on
one or more of the Expansion Modules installed in the unit.
Two levels of Life Support are provided.
Each level of Life Support is independent of the other. For example, starting Life Support on
Expansion Module No 1 will not stop Life Support on Expansion Module 2, 3, or 4.
Life Support Level 1
The expansion module installed in the first position of each unit (Expansion Module No 1.) can run a
preprogrammed irrigation program in Sequential or Grouping mode.
In Sequential mode each station on the unit (stations 1 to 32) can run an independently adjustable
runtime. Each stations runtime can be adjusted from 0 to 50,000 seconds (approx 13.8 hours). The
program can be adjusted to repeat between 1 and 99 times.
In Grouping mode, the expansion unit will control irrigation in 8 groups of 8 stations(valves) each.
Each group can have an individually adjustable runtime from 0 to 50,000 seconds (approx 13.8
hours). The program can be adjusted to repeat between 1 and 99 times.
Life Support Level 2
The expansion module installed in slots 2, 3, and 4 of each unit (Expansion Module No 2, 3, or 4) can
run a preprogrammed irrigation program in Sequential mode on that module only.
In Life Support Level 2 Sequential mode each station on the unit (8 stations) can run an
independently adjustable runtime. Each stations runtime can be adjusted from 0 to 50,000 seconds
(approx 13.8 hours). The program can be adjusted to repeat between 1 and 99 times.
Life Support Configuration
The Life Support screen allows configuration of the life support parameters. Each expansion unit is
programmed individually. Both sequential and grouping modes are configured at the same time.
When the OK button is clicked, the Life Support program is saved on the program memory card and
on all expansion modules in the unit being configured. The objective of saving the life support
program to each expansion module permits swapping expansion modules between positions without
affecting the operation of the Life Support.
In grouping mode, the Life Support screen allows eight groups of eight stations. Each group has an
independent runtime.
In sequential mode, the Life Support screen allows independent runtimes to be assigned to each
station in the unit. Additionally, each group of eight runtimes corresponds to the runtime for each
module in Life Support Level 2.
Life Support Operation
Life Support is initiated by pressing a button on one or more of the expansion modules. Pressing the
Life Support button on Expansion Module 1 starts Life Support Level 1. Pressing a button on another
expansion module will start Life Support Level 2 on that expansion module. Life Support can be
stopped by pressing the pushbutton on the expansion modules while Life Support is operating.