Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
14.4.4 Flow Meter Status and Totals
The Status and Totals screen is the only page of Advanced Flow Meter Parameters and is displayed
by pressing the
icon on the Flow Meter Edit screen.
Figure 66 - Flow Meter Status and Totals
Flow Meter Status
This section shows the current status of the flow meter.
Flow Meter Totals
This section shows the current totals for the flow meter. Clicking the clear button will clear the totals.
Aggregate Flow Meters
14.5.1 Overview and Operation
The Micro-Master Touch supports up to thirty two independent aggregate flow meters. An aggregate
flow meter can be used to combine the flows from up to four different water sources. For example,
an oval could be supplied from an on-site dam when water is available, and from main town supply
when the dam is empty, using Rules to determine which supply is used. Using an aggregate flow
meter removes the requirement to change the allocated flow meter in the irrigation program. Another
example is when two blocks are irrigated independently via a common pump, flow meter and water
pipes. An additional flow meter on the second block can be combined with the pump flow meter to
determine the flow rates and total flow for each block.
Each aggregate flow meter can have up to four flow meters as inputs. The input flow meters do not
have to be the same irrigation units. For example, Flow meter 1 could be 2 pulses per 100 litres,
Flow meter 2 could be 1 pulse per kilolitre. For the purpose of volumetric flow programs, aggregate
flow meter units are always kilolitres, regardless of the flow units for individual input flow meters.