Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Installation Instructions
Wall Mount Installation
On the back of the controller is a “keyhole” shaped mounting slot as well as 2 mounting holes along
the bottom edge. These mounting holes are shown circled red in the next picture. Access to the 2
mounting holes is from the front behind the bottom cover plate.
Figure 4 - Back of Micro-Master Touch Controller
When attaching to wall studs use a No. 10 self tapping screw and leave approx. 6mm of the head
exposed to slip into the “keyhole” slot. To secure and stabilise the controller, drive additional screws
through the bottom mounting holes.
NOTE: When mounting the controller to a sheet metal wall, it is essential to mount timber mounts to
the wall first and then mount the controller to the timber. This prevents high temperatures being
conducted to the controller.
Module Installation
The Touch controller uses various modules installed into "slots" on both the motherboard and
processor boards to increase its versatility or capacity.
A wide range of modules are available for both the communication slots on the processor board and
expansion slots on the motherboard. Both employ a similar method of mounting and are easy to
install or remove.