Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Switch Sensors
Pressing this icon displays the Switch Sensors list to edit and control Switch sensors.
Digital Input Sensors
Pressing this icon displays the Digital Input list to edit and control Digital Input sensors.
Analogue Input Sensors
Pressing this icon displays the Analogue Input list to edit and control Analogue Input sensors.
14.3.1 Overview and Operation
The Micro-Master Touch supports up to thirty two independently controlled rules. Although each rule
is independently controllable, rules can be used as inputs to other rules, allowing a sophisticated
nested rule structure.
Each rule can have four inputs. Each input can be sourced from various sources. It could be the
active status of a program, station, filter, chemical, or pump. It could be the state of any control
sensor in the control sensor system, including the output from another rule. Obviously, care needs to
be taken to ensure circular rules do not occur, where a change in state of one rule does not directly
change the inputs to the same rule, causing the rule to continuously change the output of itself.
Rule Operation
When a rule is Enabled, the rule checks the condition of it's input control sensors every second. If all
of the conditions for the input control sensors are met, the rule is considered to be triggered, or
active. When any one of the input control sensor conditions are not met, the rule becomes idle, or
The rule operation is shown in Figure 59.
Active /
rule conditions met
rule conditions not met
Figure 59 - Rule Operation Schematic