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Figure 12.10 - Absolute Position Move Window
In addition, the user may embed up to two event triggers in a
given move. Each one of these event triggers can cause up to
two actions to take place. This allows the user to make complex
moves triggered by an input, PLC flag or position reached. Bit
flags and outputs can also be set from within a move.
– The triggers are set up by selecting trigger #1 or
trigger #2 from the Move window (Absolute, Incremental or
Velocity). Selecting a trigger brings up the Motion Event Trigger
Parameters window. The user then selects the source of the
trigger, either an absolute position reached or a PLC
flag/physical input. The next step is to define the action to take
place once the trigger is received. There can be two separate
actions for each trigger. Action #1 can be one of the following:
set new speed, set/clear an output (physical or flag to PLC), or
terminate the current move. Action #2 can be either to define a
new torque limit or set/clear an output (physical or flag to PLC).
This instruction causes the axis to move an incremental distance
from the currently commanded position. It has the same setup
and event trigger parameters as those for the absolute position
move instruction described above.
P R O G R A M M I N G : 1 2