Operating Instructions TNI
20s oxy Version 2.7
Version 1.6.3 July 2010
8 Error Codes
Separator panels are
incorrectly inserted.
Applicator is not
Leak in the applicator
tube: replacement in-
terval exceeded / im-
proper use / improper
Internal error
Switch off TNI
20 oxy via the
master switch („0“ position) at
the back of the blower. Allow the
unit to cool down. Take out all
components. Check the separator
panels for correct placement (the
side with the single wide nose must
point to the inside of the basin, the
panels must make contact with the
base). Put all components back in
Connect the applicator to the front
side of the humidifier unit.
Observe the cleaning and replace-
ment intervals (see chapter 6 „Hy-
giene“). Replace the applicator
tube, if necessary.
Contact the Service Center.
The error may have
the following causes:
Reservoir has not
Reservoir is calcified.
Humidifier basin is
Switch TNI
20 oxy into standby
mode. Allow the unit to cool down.
Insert the reservoir.
Switch TNI
20 oxy to standby
mode. Allow the unit to cool down.
Observe the cleaning instructions
(see chapter 6 „Hygiene“). Decal-
cify the reservoir. Use a spare res-
ervoir, if necessary.
Switch TNI
20 oxy to standby
mode. Allow the unit to cool down.
Observe the cleaning instructions
(see chapter 6 „Hygiene“). Decal-
cify the humidifier basin.