Operating Instructions TNI
20s oxy Version 2.7
Version 1.6.3 July 2010
- Now plug the connection nipple of the air
connection into the stationary gas access
point of the clinical gas supply in such a way
that the metering tube is in an upright position
(see illustration).
pressure-relief valve
connection fitting
20s oxy: If adding oxygen is to be part
of the intended therapy, first attach the
connecting unit TNI
20s oxy to the wall rail
so that both metering tubes are in an upright
- Turn the rotary knob of the setting valve at
the oxygen connection (“O2“ inscription) as
well as at the air connection (“AIR“ inscription)
clockwise (OFF direction) until they stop. Do
not turn the knobs any further.
- Plug connection nipples of the oxygen and air connecting hose
in the provided stationary gas access points of the clinical gas
- Pressure-relief valves on the connection unit guarantee a
maximum air/oxygen flow, and protect the humidifier unit fromtoo
high pressure.
For the TNI
20s oxy, the oxygen connection must always be
4 Startup