MS Detector Maintenance
_________________________________________________ Cleaning the Q0 and Q1 Ion Guides
_______________________ Finnigan LTQ Hardware Manual _____________________
1. With a soft tooth brush or lint-free swab, scrub the ion guide part with a
solution of detergent and water.
2. Rinse the part with tap water to remove the detergent.
3. Rinse the part with distilled water.
4. Place the part in a tall beaker and immerse it completely in HPLC-grade
methanol. Move the part up and down in the methanol for 15 s.
5. Remove the part from the methanol bath; then rinse it thoroughly with
fresh methanol.
6. Dry the part with a rapid stream of nitrogen gas.
7. Inspect each part for contamination and dust. If necessary, repeat the
cleaning procedure.
After all ion optics and mass analyzer parts are clean and dry, go on to the
next topic: Reassembling the Ion Optics and Mass Analyzer.
Reinstalling the Q0 and Q1 Ion Guides
Two adjustable mounting brackets hold the Q0 and Q1 ion guides in position
against the baffle on the top cover plate of the vacuum manifold. See
Figure 4-14.
Use the following procedure to reinstall the Q0 and Q1 ion guides on the top
cover plate.
1. Install the Q1 ion guide as follows:
Insert the gate lens into the opening in the baffle (Figure 4-14).
b. With one hand, hold the Q1 octapole against the gate lens; with the
other hand, install the Q1 ion guide mounting bracket so that the
octapole is held between the mounting bracket and the gate lens.
Tighten the two thumb screws that hold the Q1 ion guide mounting
bracket to the top cover plate.
Note. Wear clean, lint-free, nylon or cotton gloves to handle the parts after
you clean them in methanol.
Note. Wear clean, lint-free, nylon or cotton gloves when you handle the ion