MS Detector Maintenance
_________________________________________________ Cleaning the Q0 and Q1 Ion Guides
_______________________ Finnigan LTQ Hardware Manual _____________________
With one hand under the center of the top cover, lift the top cover up
and away from the MS detector.
Go on to the next topic: Removing the Top Cover Plate of the Vacuum
Removing the Top Cover Plate of the Vacuum
You need to remove the top cover plate of the vacuum manifold to access the
Q0 and Q1 ion guides, mass analyzer, and ion detection system. The top cover
plate is held in place by gravity and by the air pressure differential between
the vacuum manifold and atmospheric pressure. Six cables are connected to
the top cover plate. See Figure 4-12.
To remove the top cover plate, proceed as follows:
1. Disconnect the electron multiplier high voltage coaxial cables that come
from the electron multiplier power supply.
2. Disconnect the electrometer cable from the Electrometer PCB. (If
necessary, use a small screw driver to loosen the screws that secure the
3. Disconnect the three cables that connect to the Top Cover PCB.
4. Carefully lift the top cover plate straight up by its two handles. Take care
not to damage the components on the underside of the cover plate. Place
the cover plate upside down (supported on its handles) on a flat surface.
5. Cover the opening in the top of the vacuum manifold with a large,
lint-free tissue.
Go on to the next topic: Removing the Q0 and Q1 Ion Guides.