EuroFlow EF and EF/B
Biological Safety Cabinet
The EF/B is a class II Biological Safety Cabinet. It gives the user the possibility to work safely and
sterile with bioagentia without complete physical barrier between person and experiment (through
work opening (C)).
Working surface (A) is kept clear of particles by
means of a clean downflow of air.
Because of the downflow air passed through a
HEPA filter (High Efficiency Particulate Air), the
working area of the cabinet is free of particles.
This airflow is laminar, the airflow has got no
turbulence and has got a constant air speed.
Through the work opening (C) air is drawn into
the workspace (inflow), towards the front slots of
the worktop. This protects the personnel against
pathogenic aerosols that might be released.
The downflow and inflow air is then drawn
through a pre-filter (B) and a V-shaped HEPA filter
(G) by a fan (E), mounted on a plenum
construction. This fan blows the air in the correct
proportion to the downflow HEPA filter (D) and the
exhaust HEPA filter (F).
The extracted air of the cabinet can recirculate
into the laboratory or can be blown into an
exhaust channel.
In case the cabinet is used for cytostatics
production, the cabinet has to be connected to an
external exhaust channel.
Figure 2 Sectional view EF/B