Lokommander II Next18 ECU
User Manual firmware 5.10.306
Version 0.5.07
Page 44 of 118
Special functions
By calling our special functions we can get information about:
The internal temperature of the decoder
The quality of the received DCC signal.
Number of hours and minutes of operation
The time stamp (hour) at which the last locomotive maintenance was performed.
To save the values of these parameters in the nonvolatile memory (EEPROM) of the decoder, the saving
function, set in CV213, must be activated. The default value is 28, meaning that the save operation will
be performed in the moment when F28 is activated. To save again (overwriting the previous values) F28
must be deactivated and activated again. The saving function can be modified from CV213 in the range
F28. If value greater than 28 is configured in CV213, no saving will be performed for any function
Without activating F28 (On, then Off), the values in the corresponding CVs are not updated!
The internal (saved) temperature of the decoder can be read from CV133. The temperature is given in
Celsius degrees.