Lokommander II Next18 ECU
User Manual firmware 5.10.306
Version 0.5.07
Page 42 of 118
If a lower value is set, the voltage applied to the motor will be less than that in the rails (allows the use of
motors with lower rated voltage).
To enable analogue mode 2, CV164 value must be different of “0”
Controlled stop on DC sector
Continuous current can also be used in conjunction with DCC to supply DC brake sections. Thus, if a
DCC-powered locomotive reaches a DC sector, it will stop if the following conditions are met: Bit4 or Bit5
in CV27 are "1", Bit 2 in CV29 is
and the voltage in the rails is higher than the threshold set in CV165.
The threshold set in CV165 (default value 100 => 10V) is useful when using a power pack
simultaneously with the DC-brake function. So, if the supply voltage is below the threshold, we are in SPP
mode, and the locomotive will stop after the time set in CV123. If the voltage exceeds the threshold, the DC
brake function is activated, and the locomotive will stop at a controlled distance (see Constant braking
distance (CBD))