Lokommander II Next18 ECU
User Manual firmware 5.10.306
Version 0.5.07
Page 31 of 118
Upon receiving the "Stop" command, the locomotive will initiate the controlled distance stopping
procedure (Constant braking distance (CBD)), or if it is disabled, the locomotive will stop with the CV4
(CV153) deceleration. Upon receiving the "Slow Approach" command, the speed will be reduced to the
value set in CV143 (CV144). If the value of this CV is greater than the actual internal speed, no speed
change will occur.
ABC activation is made from CV27:
Bit0 = 1: Allows ABC signal detection when the right track is more positive
Bit1 = 1: Allows ABC signal detection when the left track is more positive
ABC typically only works in one direction, but activation for both directions is permitted (except Shuttle
train operation).
The sensitivity of the ABC voltage difference detection between the two rails can be changed from
(turn on threshold) and CV192 (turn off threshold). Additionally they are two delays: ABC turn on
delay CV193 and ABC turn off delay CV194. The ABC break condition is detected if the track voltage
difference between the two rails is greater than the turn on threshold (CV141) for more than the ABC turn
on delay time (CV193). The ABC break condition is terminated if the track voltage difference between the
two rails is smaller than the turn off threshold (CV192) for more than ABC turn off delay (CV194).