Filter cartridge care instructions
The filter cartridges must be handled with special care.
Only lift them from the foam in the box by the sides of the cartridges.
Avoid touching the filters.
Loose particles should be removed with a bulb puffer or filtered, pressurized air cleaner. If
necessary, gently wipe the surface using 100% alcohol and optical wipes; use a clean optical wipe
each cleaning motion.
Filter cartridge installation
The filter cartridges are positioned in a carousel with each cartridge having an identification label
visible from the access door. Installing filter cartridges into the carousel is a relatively simple
procedure that can be carried out by the user.
In Quansoft, access the filter settings screen by clicking on the
icon located on
the navigation bar of the Home Page (found under the
This will bring up the
Cartridge Access and Editing
screen. An instrument must be connected for
this screen to be displayed.
Cartridge position:
Colour-coded for ease of identification.
Launches a wizard which leads the user through the requested