TEC-67231-2 Technical description Prizrak-8xx BT
Wait for 30 seconds. Make sure the trouble codes are erased.
The trouble codes caused by triggered engine locking are erased immediately after the ignition is turned ON.
Each time within 2 minutes after the engine locking is triggered the system monitors presence of new trouble codes that weren’t
programmed into it. If a new fault code is detected, it will be automatically erased, saved into the system’s memory and in the future
it will be erased each time right after the engine locking is triggered.
Erasing fault codes appeared after engine pre-heating
The vehicle’s on-board diagnostics can detect a fault code in case if the alarm controls an engine pre-heater and/or the climate system. A fault
code may appear due to the climate system was activated when the ignition was switched off or due to the deviation in the engine temperatures
before and after an aftermarket engine heater operation. The alarm is able to erase fault codes only in case if it activated an aftermarket engine
heater or the climate control system by itself.
To adjust the automatic fault codes erasure it is required to add the fault codes that appear after an aftermarket heater and/or the climate
system operation into the system’s memory. For that purpose:
all trouble codes in the vehicle must be erased beforehand in case if they are present;
turn on an aftermarket engine pre-heater via the mobile app or the intellectual voice menu;
check if any trouble code has appeared;
add the fault code into the alarm memory using the TECprog2 software.
Table 14. Adjusting the «Diagnostic trouble codes reading» feature
Option name
Available values
Diagnostic feature operating mode (refer to the Integrator)
1 — diagnostics OFF; 2 — diagnostics via CAN1;
3 — diagnostics via CAN2
Vehicle’s diagnostic protocol (refer to the Integrator)
1 — standard ID (11 bit); 2 — extended ID (29 bit);
3 — protocol Mercedes
Clearing fault codes automatically caused by the engine
1 — ON; 2 — OFF
Clearing fault codes automatically caused by the engine heater
1 — ON; 2 — OFF
Conditions to automatically clear fault codes
1 — if at least one of the saved codes is detected;
2 — if only unsaved codes not detected
Programming sequence
Switch the ignition to the ON position;
Complete authentication procedure;
Within 10 seconds after authentication press and release the programming button 21 times, the alarm emits 11 beeps and LED flashes.
Select a required option number within the menu by pressing and releasing the programming button the number of times corresponding
to a desired option number. The alarm will indicate a selected option number by a series of beeps and LED flashes.
In order to change the option value press and hold the brake pedal. The alarm will indicate the current option value by a series of beeps
and LED flashes, the beeps duration will change.
Change the option value by pressing and releasing the programming button the number of times required to advance from the current
value to a desired one. The alarm will indicate the selected value by a series of beeps and LED flashes. Keep in mind that after the last
option value goes the first one.
In order to save all settings in the nonvolatile internal memory and exit the programming mode-release the brake pedal and switch the
ignition to the OFF position. Do not allow more than 10 seconds to lapse between steps if the brake pedal is released or the program
mode will be automatically exited and you will have to start over.
Configuring the hood compartment module HCU-230/BT
Table 15. Hood compartment unit HCU-230/BT settings
Option name
1 «Registering the hood compartment unit HCU-230/
BT module»
Refer to the chapter «HCU-230/BT module registration»
2 Communication check with the HCU-230/BT module
3 Cancelling registration of the HCU-230/BT module
Refer to the chapter «Cancelling registration of the HCU-230/BT
module» module registration
4 Input/output 2 (pink/black) assignment
1 — Panic/warning signals to the siren; 2 — enginie locking (NC
realay control); 3 — programmable output; 4 — programmable input;
5 — engine temparature sensor; 6 — ambient temperature sensor
The input/output №2 adjustment (pink/black)
In the option №4 select the value 3 or 4.
Set up a featuere in range 1—59/, 33
Input/output №2 polarity set up (pink/black)
1 — positive polarity; 2 — negative polarity
Output №3 standard features adjustment
1— panic/warning signals to the siren; 2 — engine locking (normally
closed (NC) relay control); 3 — programmable output; 4 — electro-
mechanical hood lock latching
Input/output №3 operation adjustment
Select the value 3 in the option №7.
Select any value in range from 1—59
Output №4 standard features adjustment
1 — Panic/warning signals to the siren; 2 — enginie locking
(NC realay control); 3 — programmable output;
4 — electro-mechanical hood lock unlatching
Input/output №4 operation adjustment
Select the value 3 in the option №9. Select a value in range of 1—59
11 Input/output satandard features adjustment
1 — engine locking (NC relay control); 2 — programmable output; 3
— programmable input; 4 — engine temparature sensor; 5 — ambient
temperature sensor doors; 6 — engine preheeaters Webasto or
Eberspächer control