TEC-67231-2 Technical description Prizrak-8xx BT
Configuring the alarm
1st step. Interfacing the alarm with a vehicle
Alarm programming (adjustment) is carried out on a PC via the TECprog2 software or with a vehicle’s programming button.
Vehicle’s make and model identification:
Vehicles compatible with the alarm are divided into groups. Each group is divided into subgroup; each group and subgroup has it’s own
number (see the web data-base «Integrator»). Interfacing means group and subgroup identification by the alarm.
There are three vehicle interfacing methods:
On the PC. Connect the alarm to a PC via USB-cable, run the Tecprog2 and select a vehicle.
Automatic identification
After CAN-bus wires and power source are connected, perform a few simple actions (on most vehicles it is Ignition turning ON/OFF and
arming/disarming OEM alarm with remote key) — group and subgroup will be identified automatically. You just need to control identification
correctness by carefully counting audio beeps (group number — pause, subgroup number — pause).
Identification procedure is vehicle-specific and can be found at the Integrator. If a vehcle group consists of two digits, each digit will be
indicated separately. For example: group 35, subgroup 2 will be indicated as follows: 3 long beeps — 1 second pause, 5 long beeps — 2 seconds
pause, 2 short beeps — 4 seconds pause.
Manual identification (forced interfacing).
This method is used when it is not possible to interface the alarm by using the 1st and 2nd interfacing methods. This method may be handy
when a vehicle manufacturer has updated the vehicle and some data running on the CAN-bus has changed. In this case some alarm features may
become unavailable because such interfacing procedure doesn’t consider vehicle configuration. Manual interfacing is performed by using the
built-in programming button. Prior to performing the manual interfacing procedure make sure that the module’s memory is cleared (group and
subgroup isn’t already programmed) and the CAN-bus wires are not connected. The interfacing process will cancel If the built-in programming
button remains touchlless within 60 sec during the manual group/subgrgroup setup.
Manual interfacing description:
12 V to the alarm unit. Wait for intermittent beeps.
Enter the «Menu 1» by pressing the programming button 10 times no later than in 10 seconds after supplying power to the module. There
will be 3 confirmatory beeps if everything has been done correctly.
Press the programming button 1 time in
order to select the option №1 «Vehicle model». The alarm will start emitting single short
intermittent beeps.
Enter the vehicle’s groupe number by pressing the programming button a corresponding number of times (refer to the Integrator).
Enter a vehicle’s subgroup number by pressing the programming button a corresponding number of times (refer to the Integrator).
If a vehicle’s group is a two digit number than enter the first number, wait for 2 seconds and enter the second number. The alarm will start
emitting a series of beeps corresponding to the vehicle’s group.
Make sure that the vehicle’s model has been programmed correctly by listening to the emitted beeps:
press the programming button 1 time if correct.
press the programming button 2 times if not correct. Repeat
a vehicle’s model setup starting from the step №4.
Programming the steering wheel (resistive) buttons.
Right after the alarm has identified the vehicle model, turn the vehicle’s ignition ON and wait for at least 5 seconds.
Press (one by one) and hold (for approximately 2 sec) all steering wheel buttons until you hear a beep, if you don’t hear a beep then the
button will not be programmed and it will not be available for use. The buttons confirmed by beep will be available.
Turn the ignition OFF — wait for the confirmatory trill.
Turn the ignition ON.
Assign one of the available buttons as the programming button by pressing on it for not less than 5 seconds until you hear a long beep.
You should start teaching the system the analog buttons within 15 minutes after the alarm has identified the vehicle. If more than 15
minutes passed — reset the alarm to the factory settings, repeat the alarm interfacing procedure and make all the settings again.
Programming digital (positive and negative) buttons.
In order to teach the alarm a vehicle’s «positive» and/or negative button:
Set the alarm to operate with digital
buttons. (Menu 1. Option №4). Note that this option can only be
modified by using the built in button
and before the PIN code is entered for the first time with analog or digital buttons. Any further modifications will be possible only after
resetting the alarm to default settings.
Connect the alam input
to a
«negative» button and\or №16 to a «positive» button and assign one of the connected buttons as the
programming button by turning the ignition ON, pushing the button and holding it for at least 5 seconds (until you hear a long beep). The
button must be programmed within 15 minutes after the alarm interfacing with a vehicle. If more than 15 minutes have passed reset the
alarm to the factory default settings and reprogram the alarm.
2nd step. Configuring the alarm
At the stage two is carried out the hardware functions conficuration, the user’s functions conficuration and is selected a prefferable
authentication method.
There are 10 independant programming menus (see «Table 7»). The alarm may be connected directly to a PC via a mini-USB cable (no
additional equipment required). This allows to quickly update the alarm firmware, setup required vehicle model, customize inputs/outputs
configuration, enable different user’s functions and etc. The programming may be performed either before or after interfacing the alarm with the
vehicle. Download the TECprog2 PC software in order to program the alarm.