Operation and Maintenance
AUTOLOADER LTO3 – User Reference Manual Rev. 1.01
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8.5 Configuration
For most installations, the default configuration of the autoloader does not need to be changed. For
further information see ThinStor
Plus LTO3 Autoloader – Operator's Manual. However, if necessary,
you can use the operator panel to make the following changes to the autoloader configuration:
You can change the SCSI IDs for the autoloader and the tape drive using the 'Configuration'.
The autoloader and the tape drive must each have unique SCSI IDs. It is your
responsibility to make sure you do not assign duplicate IDs within a bus.
8.6 Operation
After you install and configure the autoloader and install your application software on the host
computer, the autoloader performs most operations automatically. Operator intervention includes the
following activities:
Monitoring autoloader operation and status
Performing autoloader and tape drive operations
8.6.1 Monitoring Autoloader Operation and Status
During normal operation, the 'Status screen' is displayed on the LCD. You can use this screen to
monitor autoloader activities. By default, the 'Status screen displays the current operating status of the
autoloader and tape drive.'
To set the operator panel to user interaction mode, press a key. This mode allows you to use the
[Enter] or [Cancel] and [+] or [–] buttons to display options for issuing commands to the autoloader,
viewing information screens, and configuring the autoloader.
8.7 Performing Autoloader and Tape Drive
The 'Commands' screen provides options for importing and exporting cartridges, loading and
unloading a cartridge from the tape drive, cleaning the tape drive, and updating the cartridge
8.7.1 Importing and Exporting Cartridges
The Import command under the Library Commands menu allows you to place a cartridge into a
specific cartridge slot through the cartridge access port.
When you issue an Import command, the cartridge carousel moves the specified cartridge slot into
position in front of the cartridge access port and slides the door open. You can then push the cartridge
into the slot through the door. The cartridge loader then grasps the cartridge, pulls it into the
autoloader, and closes the door.
The 'Export' command allows you to remove a cartridge from a specific cartridge slot through the
cartridge access port. When you issue an 'Export' command, the cartridge carousel moves the
specified cartridge slot into position in front of the cartridge access port and slides the door open. The
cartridge loader then pushes the cartridge far enough out through the door to allow you to remove it.