Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
AUTOLOADER LTO3 – User Reference Manual Rev. 1.01
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9 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
9.1 General Guidelines
The autoloader includes features to support troubleshooting and diagnostic operations.
If an autoloader error occurs, the red error LED is on, an error message and error code are displayed
on the Status Screen.
Additionally, the autoloaders internal 'TapeAlert' firmware constantly monitors the autoloaders
operation for problems. 'TapeAlert' is an industry-standardized method for reporting errors and
potential difficulties to the software application.
To check if the autoloader is operational the system offers a system test. It is accessible via the item
“Diagnostic” in the system menu. See ThinStor
Plus LTO3 Autoloader – Operator's Manual.
tape drive empty
at least one slot contains a cartridge
no drive may contain a cleaning cartridge
Mode of operation:
Depending on the firmware revision either you are asked to select the number of cycles or only an
endless test is offered. During the test in an arbitrary sequence cartridges are moved, mounted and
dismounted. Thus most of the autoloader’s functions are tested. The test can be stopped anytime by
pressing the “Cancel” button.
9.2 Reacting on Lightening Error LED/Error Code
1. If the red error LED is on and an error message and error code are displayed on the Status
Screen note the code or information.
2. Press Enter to attempt recover and initialization. Cycling power may also be necessary.
3. If possible, running the Library Verify test in the Diagnostic Menu (see ThinStor
Plus LTO3
Autoloader – Operator's Manual).
If the Media Attention LED turns on red, this is an indication that a drive error occurred
pointing to the me dia as the possible problem. For instance, if during the Library Verify
diagnostic, the drive read/write test fails with a media error, the Media Attention LED
becomes active thus ending the test. To determine the drive error code after the cartridge is
unloaded and returned to the I/O Door for removal, perform one of the following procedures
to determine the latest drive error code.