Printer self-test
(Rolling ASCII)
To check operational readiness, your printer contains a self-test routine
which allows testing of the printer configuration, the print quality and correct
operation of your printer.
Before performing a self-test, your printer must be switched off. Ensure
that paper and a ribbon are inserted. Keep the key Online pressed
while switching on the printer for about three seconds.
Alternatively T2030/9 is displayed. For the wide printer the display offers you
the selection between ASCII 80 (80 ASCII characters are printed per line) and
ASCII 136 (136 ASCII characters are printed per line). For the narrow printer
T2030/24 or T2030/9 is displayed and you can select ASCII 80 only.
Note that the selected function ASCII 80 or ASCII 136 must be suitable for
your paper size. If not the printer may suffer mechanical damage.
Press the respective soft key for the ASCII 80 format (corresponds to Legal
Portrait) or for ASCII 136 (Double or Legal Landscape). The display will in-
dicate Test mode Off.
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Test functions and hardware settings
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