TimeProvider 2300/2700 User’s Guide
098-00564-000 Revision A3 – July, 2013
Chapter 3
TimeProvider 2300/2700 CLI Command Set
To set the GNSS cable-delay value
set gnss cable-delay <delay-value>
for cable delay values. The delay values shown correspond to the
cable kit being used in its entirety without modification. The values assume that a
splitter is not used. Splitters are not recommended.
Example 1:
To set GNSS position mode to auto:
TP2700>set gnss posmode auto
Example 2:
To manually set the GNSS with a system position of latitude of N37:22:45.123,
longitude of W121:55:36.123, and a height 17.5 meters
TP2700>set gnss posmode manual latitude N37:22:45.123
longitude W121:55:36.123 height 17.5
Example 3:
To enable GNSS on the GNSS port:
TP2700>set gnss state enable
Example 4:
To set the GNSS mask to a value of 25 degrees:
TP2700>set gnss mask 25
Example 5:
To set the GNSS cable delay to a value of 220 nanoseconds:
TP2700>set gnss cable-delay 220
The system must have the GNSS posmode provisioned as “manual”
before you can successfully provision the position manually.
Level :
Config and Admin