68 Modular UPS 25KVA~900KVA User Manual
The battery number setting range is 140-180.The lowest EOD voltage for the LIPB
will be 360V and highest voltage can be 620V.
6.4.3 Battery Capacity Setting
Battery Capacity Setting sets the capacity value of the battery block .For example, if
the system uses 40 blocks of 12V/100AH batteries, the Battery Capacity Setting
should set to 100 Ah. If 240 cells of 2V/1000AH are used, the Battery Capacity
Setting should be set to 1000 Ah.
In case of there are more than one strings of battery in parallel, the battery capacity
setting value will be the times of the single string. For instance, if the configuration is
two strings of 40 blocks of 12V/100AH batteries, the battery capacity setting should
be set to 200AH.
The system sets current limits according to the battery capacity set. For the Lead-Acid
battery, the current limit is 0.2C, and for the LIPB, the current is 0.3C. For instance,
the 20-slot UPS is configured to 40 blocks of 12V/500AH batteries, which can
provides total max charging current of 192A.Due to the current limits(0.2C) , the max
charging current will be 100A(0.2*500A).
6.4.4 Float and Boost Charge Setting
In boos charging, the system charges the batteries with constant current. After the
period, the system will enter the float charging.
For the Lead-Acid battery ,the default float charge voltage per cell is 2.25V, boost
charge voltage is 2.35V
For the LIPB, the default float and boost charge voltage per cell is 3.45V
6.4.5 EOD Voltage Setting
The EOD voltage 0.6C is the EOD voltage when the discharging current is larger than
EOD voltage 0.15C is the EOD voltage when the discharging current is less than
0.15C.EOD voltage decreases linearly as the EOD voltage Current increases from
0.15C and 0.6C, , as shown in Fig.6-4.
EOD voltage 0.15C
EOD voltage 0.6C
Fig.6-4 EOD voltage
For Lead-Acid battery, the cell voltage is suggested to set to 1.65V/cell at 0.6C, and set to 1.75V
at 0.15C
For the LIPB battery, the cell voltage is suggested to set to 2.7V/cell at both 0.6C and 0.15C.
6.4.6 Charging Current Percent Limit
This setting is for limiting the charging power, max current limit can be20% of the
rated active power. The actual charging current is also limited to the battery capacity.
6.4.7 Battery Temperature Compensate
The is for setting the temperature compensate coefficient. Based on 25
when the
temperature is higher than that, the discharging voltage goes lower; When the