Landing Gear Cont.
Slide on one part Wc, then the other half of
the wheel. Coat the mating surfaces with
thick CA and press together. Remove the
tubing before the CA sets to prevent it from
being glued in place.
When the CA has cured, re-insert the tube
until the end is flush with the outer edge of
the spokes.
Turn the wheel over, and with a sharp blade
mark the tubing flush with the outer edge of
the spokes on this side.
Cut the tubing to length at the mark with a
small tubing cutter [KSE296].
De-burr the ends of the tube by scraping the
inside with a sharp hobby knife.
The tube should slide easily over the 3/16 in.
axle tube. If it does not, further de-burring is
Build Instructions
SkyScout 480
- Build Instructions © 2010 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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