µLine F1 User Manual
Beside it in the centre choose which type of calculation should be performed. The follow-
ing options are:
'End point fit method'
Start and end points are reset to zero.
'Best fit method'
an hypothetical line is drawn to encapsulate most (or all) of the points
measured on a scatter plot and averaged to minimize deviation.
no calculation is performed; a reading of raw data is displayed.
In 'Cycles in series' set how often the axis is measured from beginning to end.
In '3D averaging' set how long a measurement (of a point) should take. The results are
then averaged for that period.
Simply ignore 'Parameters in point capture' because we recommend to select the points
manually (see below).
Click 'Apply' to apply. The menu window will disappear.
9.2.4 Conducting measurement
To choose manual point capture go to 'Measurement' in the top task bar and select
'Manual point capture'. As said above, we recommend this option, as with 'time period
point capture' errors in measurement can easily occur when running along the axis. In
theory, this option allows automatic detection of the
following point after traversing a certain time interval.
In the same panel beside 'Menu' below set the time
for point detection (red box in fig. 66).
Fig. 65: Selecting method of point