µLine F1 User Manual
7.2.5 Creating a CNC Program
The following is a description of a linear measurement as laid out in 7.2.2. A schematic
diagram is shown below in fig. 41.
For the program to recognize the linear course at the start and finish of measurement, a
change in direction must occur to eliminate inversion as outlined in 7.1. This must be con-
ceded at the point of return too, in order to to enable measurement of the axis in the oppo-
site direction. Provide at least 1mm for this maneuverer at both ends and at the point of
return as shown in fig. 41. The program is set to repeat this trajectory according to the
number set in 'Cycles in series' (see 7.2.2).
You can generate a CNC course of action by selecting 'generate CNC path' in the top bar
of the program under 'File', which can be fed into the CNC unit of the machine. (see fig.
42). The following window that opens allows you to set the parameters; select the same
method and 'No. of steps' as in the list of points outlined in 7.2.2. In our example 'clear-
ance' would be 100mm.
7.2.4 Creating a Data File
In configuration under 'Other' in the Positioning tab you can save your data to a specific
URL by entering it in the 'data file folder' field or by clicking the browse button (see fig. 40).
Click apply to confirm and
close window.
Fig. 40: Enter location
for saving